Monday, August 15, 2011

A Word from Kay...

Dear Friends & Family,
Ed & I have been back in the states for a few weeks.  As we process our trip and all that God did in our lives one thing that has become more real to us is that this is only our temporary home. We experienced heaven coming to earth as we have seen Jesus in the faces of these African children. They have nothing materially, but they have everything, knowing Jesus. We have experienced with great joy the love of our Heavenly Father to the nations. We experienced being in His presence and seeing miracles as we prayed over the blind, the deaf, the lame and those asking Jesus into their hearts. We experienced life changing encounters with the living God.
The Bible came more real each day. Ed & I experienced praying deaf ears to hear & many received hearing, we prayed over blind eyes to see and many received sight. One woman’s far away vision was restored & her brown, milky eyes became blue!  Alleluia! Not all were healed immediately, but as we prayed for them there was great faith & hope they were going to be healed in Jesus’ name. We heard even more amazing first hand testimonies of healings and deliverances from other, ordinary people just like us.
We visited 3 bases with Iris Ministries (Pemba,Dondo & Miputo) and at each base we were able to be encouragers to the missionaries, love on the orphans & children of the villages & bless Mozambican pastors as they blessed us.These bases have incredible laydown lovers for Christ, to bring the good news of Jesus to these villages. Many villages had churches(mud huts) and they worshipped continuely,loving their Jesus who set them free.  We joined in everywhere we went to be a part of their worship. As this poorest of nations worshipped we were realizing, oh, they are the richest!  They know how to love Jesus & celebrate HIS NAME.
When Ed & I felt a calling on our lives to go to Africa there were so many questions yet unanswered on why we were the ones to go.  Why was God calling us to go? We are realizing more & more that we are all called to go & be missionaries wherever that might be, in our neighborhoods, towns or overseas. Heidi & Rolland Baker who founded Iris Ministries tell how important it is to  “Go slow, go low & stop for the one!”  It became so clear to us that is what we are to do in our everyday lives no matter where we are. I love the picture of not being in a hurry and stopping for the one, whether it’s to bless them, encourage them, tell them about Jesus, pray for healing….we can all be used as a disciple of Christ.
Our stories are too numerous and I hope we can share them with each of you in the coming weeks. Our God is so Big & we experienced how BIG HE IS and want to continue to experience it back in the states. One thing we saw is the Mozambican pastors only have “The Bible” and the Holy Spirit as their teaching guide, it is their literature! So they know all the stories in the Bible are true so why shouldn’t they believe in all healings &  miracles. Jesus did it & sent out his disciples to do “even greater things” and that is what we saw & felt.  If the Lord can use Ed & myself He can certainly use you. We were obedient to His calling for us to go & came back forever changed. Thank you, Jesus!
Thank you for your prayers for us. They strengthened & encouraged us daily. You were each a part of this trip. Our hearts are full with gratitude.
A scripture that has become so alive for us these past weeks is Habakkuk 3:2-4
Lord, I have heard about your fame.
Lord, I am amazed at the powerful things you have done. Do great things once again in our time. Make those things happen again in our day..
The Lord’s glory covers the heavens. His praises fill the earth. His brightness is like the sun. Rays of light shine from His hand And there He  hides His power!
Yes, it’s all True!
Because He Lives, 
Ed & Kay

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