Friday, October 7, 2011

Adopted & Accepted

Those of us who live in relationship with God Most High through His Son Jesus, and the indwelling of Holy Spirit, can call ourselves His kids!  We have the holy privilege of calling Him not only the more formal term of "Father", but the intimate term of "Daddy", or "Papa".  

In Mark 14:36, Jesus called His Father by this intimate term in His language, which was "Abba"...
"And He [Jesus] was saying, 'Abba ! Father ! All things are possible for You; remove this cup from Me; yet not what I will, but what You will'."

Jesus first established the relationship, then declared the truth which was greater than what He could see with His human eyes:  ALL things ARE POSSIBLE for His dad.  Because He knew WHO His Abba was, He could boldly ask Him for something, in this case to not have to go through shedding His blood, represented by "the cup" of the Lord's Supper.  If Jesus, God Himself in human form could ask such a bold thing of His Father, even though He knew it must be done, why do we hold back in fear that He will say no?  Jesus did not limit God at all, yet He wisely ended His petition with "yet not what I will, but what YOU will".                                                                                                         Jesus intimately knew His Papa.  He knew that His Papa is all-knowing, and especially all-loving.  He knew that the only reason His dad would ask such a hard thing from Him was because of His love...because there was a greater plan in place...because His love was much farther reaching than only love for His Son...His love was for ALL the world.  For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son...

The intimate term of Papa wasn't just reserved for Jesus.  Because Jesus DID go through with laying down His life on our behalf, Romans 8:15 tells us this amazing truth:
"For you [that's us!] have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, 'Abba ! Father !'."
Pause for a moment.  Let that sink in.  
God Most High...Creator of the universe and all it contains...Holy One...has adopted us as His own!  Can we even comprehend what this means???

Galatians 4:6 tells us:
"Because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, 'Abba ! Father !'."
In Mark 14:36, scripture allows us a glimpse into perhaps one of the most intimate Father/Son interactions ever recorded in history.  Galatians 4:6 tells us that the same Spirit of Jesus is in our hearts, so we too can interact with God the way Jesus did in the garden that day and every other day He lived on the earth.
John 5:19 tells us that Jesus only did what He saw His Father doing. Jesus was fully dependent on His Father. 

I have been adopted as His daughter! I am accepted in the Beloved (Ephesians 1:6)!

As His daughter, I can approach Him boldly (Hebrews 4:16). As His daughter I have authority to act in His Name (Matthew 16:19). Even if others reject me or don't include me, my Papa accepts me. Even when I mess up, my Papa loves me. 

The last part of Matthew 16:19 says to freely give what I have freely received. I did not have to do anything to earn His adoption or His acceptance, yet how often do I expect that of others?  

Oh, Abba Father, thank You for adopting me as Your own. Thank You, Jesus for making it possible for me to become a daughter of The King. Thank You for accepting me just as I am. You have given so freely to me. Now I ask You to give me a heart for those all around me with an orphan spirit...those who don't know their true identity...those who feel left out or lost...those searching for a place to belong...
I want to love them into the family.

When I was a child, we sang a hymn and the chorus is coming to me now:
I'm so glad I'm a part of the family of God!
I've been washed in the fountain, cleansed by His blood.
Joint heirs with Jesus as we travel this sod
For I'm part of the family
The family of God!

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