Monday, June 11, 2012

WeWillGo '12 Days 2 & 3

Missionary Merideth May giving us instructions before Sunday service.

Prayer-walking in the neighborhood

We had the opportunity to pray with many neighbors along the way...

Narnia in Wintertime, but Aslan is on the move...

Dreaming and prophesying what will become of this property some day...

He will rebuild the ruins and devastation...

Worshipping with our WWG family


We made birthday cards for a sweet girl we met while prayer-walking. Her name is Alexis and she was 14. We prayed for her, then as we did the simple act of singing the happy birthday song to her, she dissolved into tears. It was one of the most touching things I've ever witnessed. Her "family" had used her birthday as an excuse to drink, but through our simple act of stopping for the one, she felt loved...

Meagan preached a wonderful message. We would have never guessed it was her first time!

Praying with summer intern Lindsey and missionary Roxanne

Praying with missionary Landrum (Married to Roxanne)

Cleaning up broken glass around playset

Weeding flower beds

Pam and David will be moving into this house some day to serve at WWG. We prayed and prophesied the kingdom come...

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