Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Identity has been the topic of several conversations lately.  Brooke attended an area-wide home schoolers teen banquet in April and her tutorial's prom in May.  She attended both these events, not with a date, but with a group of good friends.  There were both guys and girls in these groups, but not the usual pairing off that often occurs at these type of events.  She was able to participate in both activities without the pressure of trying to impress a significant other and the temptations that often accompany dating relationships.  She was able to simply have a good time and make fun memories with people she enjoys being with.

Brooke has a quiet confidence that unfortunately seems to be quite rare among teen girls in today's society.  I believe it comes from knowing who she is as a daughter of The King.  She has been washed in His blood and that makes her beautiful.  She has been accepted in the Beloved and finds her satisfaction in Him.  He is the Bread of Life and the only one Who brings true fulfillment.  She doesn't need to look for a guy to make her feel like she is worth something.  She is valuable simply because she is loved by God

Insecurity is one of the biggest strongholds the enemy uses to try to defeat us.  Remembering Who we belong to and the authority that is ours as His other words knowing our IDENTITY...makes all the difference in how we live our lives.  I am so thankful for the people who pour into the lives of my children, showing them the truth about who they are in Christ.  One such person is Krissy, who teaches Brooke piano, voice, and songwriting lessons.  She also meets with Brooke every Sunday morning to mentor her.  Brooke babysits for her three amazing kids and we have a very tight bond with their family.  Krissy wrote a song called Pieces and the lyrics are all about the beauty and potential God sees in us, even when we don't see it ourselves.  Her husband created a video (which features him and their daughter) which shows so beautifully our identity as children of our heavenly Daddy Who loves us so much.  Click here to watch:
  Pieces by Krissy Nordhoff

You know, one thing about God's economy is that whatever He gives us, He expects us to give away to others.  Brooke has received the gift of Krissy pouring into her life and helping her to see her true identity and now she is passing that on to the tween girls she has in her life...a crucial way to love The One and love the one... 

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