We began the day in the worship pavilion where Amy L. shared with us some stories of their missionary journeys. WOW! We then worshiped together by proclaiming Psalm 91 over the city of Jackson as well as singing Chris Tomlin's song, God of this City.
Afterward we got busy in the soaring heat, doing yard work and picking up trash around both bases.
The first day Amy L. had told us she had one rule and that was "Do not state the obvious", such as "I'm hungry!" or "It's hot!" or "My feet hurt!". I was so impressed with our hard-working Nest kids. They all worked like busy bees without a word of complaint or whining! Really! After all that hard work, we returned to Peace House sweaty and stinky but happy and ate lunch while some of the We Will Go kids shared with us what life was like for them living and serving there. What amazing young men and women! We also prayed over the Mozambique team, then the We Will Go kids prayed over The Nest kids. Such a powerful time of prayer!
Once our tummies and spirits were full and we had cooled off, we headed to Faith House to form an assembly line and pack snack bags to hand out to those who need them. Every bag contains easy-to-open snacks and either biblical literature or hand-written scriptures, so the recipients are nourished both physically and spiritually. Many hands make light work, so soon we were off to Love House, where we organized the food pantry and made up several bags full of canned goods and other non-perishables. These are handed out by appointment only, which Marci handles. Since her husband John was out of town and she has three little ones to take care of, we blessed her by cleaning her house for her. Yes, even the KIDS cleaned house! And they did a good job too!
One of the things I have loved about our time at We Will Go is that there is a constant state of prayer. We prayed as we worked, we stopped and prayed for people as we came across them, we prayed in-between work and projects. We Will Go is TRULY about people and prayer more than projects.
It was with full hearts that we said goodbye to our friends in Jackson.
We had soaked up so much of God's presence while there and had learned so much about living what we say we believe and God had our first assignment waiting for us at the restaurant that evening for supper. Our waitress was named Terry and as it turns out, she also was the one who served us breakfast at the hotel where we stayed. She works three jobs, yet constantly has a smile on her face and a kind word on her lips. As she served us, Ed noticed that she had a brace on one arm and asked her about it. She said she thought it was probably carpal tunnel and it acts up from time to time. Ed asked if we could pray for her healing and she agreed. After he prayed, she thanked us sweetly, then went back to work. A few minutes later, she passed our table again and we asked if she had noticed any difference in her wrist. She smiled and started moving her wrist around in a circle and said she hadn't been able to do that before. She assured us she wasn't just saying that to make us feel good either! She actually felt the healing! Praise God! Glory to His Name!
As we left the restaurant rejoicing, we looked up at the sky and it was as if the heavens were rejoicing too. There was a glorious cumulus cloud with the sun radiating through it. Stunning!
Thank You, Lord for this wonderful opportunity to be doers of the Word and not hearers only. May we never pass up an opportunity to practically love The One and love the one.
Jesus truly is worth it all!
