Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Promises, Promises...

Saturday evening we attended the wedding of our nephew, Sam and his beautiful bride, Courtney in Texas.  My favorite part of the ceremony was during the lighting of the unity candle.  My sis-in-law, Dixie and her husband, Gerald sand a lovely song about meaning what you say when you say "I do" other words - keeping their promises to one another.  Sam and Courtney lit the unity candle, then Sam whispered in her ear and together they bowed their heads as Sam began their marriage by offering up a whispered prayer heard only by the two of them and their Heavenly Father.  Such a holy moment...
From TX we drove to Jackson, MS, where we met up with some other members of our church, The Nest Church, who had driven down from Franklin, TN.
Somewhere in route, Mary began having severe neck pain from a chronic issue she deals with from time to time.  It hurt so badly Amy had to take over driving her car as they caravanned down here.
Earlier this afternoon, since our family had arrived before everyone else, we went to prayer meeting at We Will Go Ministries in downtown Jackson.  One thing I remember Amy Lancaster praying was for Jackson's healing, so Brooke and I went into the hotel room where Mary was curled up on the bed in pain and we began praying and taking authority over this nasty little trick of the enemy, who would love nothing more than to distract Mary from the work God has called her to do while here.  See, here's the deal...Satan is mean and nasty, but what he seems to often forget is that we are on to him...something else Amy L had declared this we simply exposed his scheme and brought it into the light, then proclaimed Mary's healing with the authority we have inherited as His daughters. His promises are TRUE and REAL!  He has promised that by His stripes, we are healed, so we simply reminded Him of His promise.  Brooke began singing the song Healer as I continued to pray.  I began feeling a tremendous heat radiating from Mary's neck as I prayed,  and next thing you know, Mary says, "It doesn't hurt anymore!"  Just like that!  To GOD be ALL glory!!!
Afterward we went out to eat and the Wendy's across the street had emergency vehicles pull up in front of it with their lights flashing.  Brett grabbed Blake and Brent and headed over to see what was going on and to pray.  By the time they got there, the emergency workers were leaving and said a female employee had gotten overheated and passed out, but seemed to be fine now, so Brett asked the lady if they could pray for her.  She agreed and they prayed, then a guy came over to them and asked if they were Christians and said he too was a Christian...
Anyway, I just loved seeing the ways God was connecting the dots today...Amy L's prayers stirred up my faith and I prayed for Mary's healing.  The boys' faith was stirred by Amy's prayers and hearing the testimony of what God did for Mary, and they willingly went with Brett to pray for someone.
God makes promises.  God keeps promises.  Do we live as if we truly believe that?

Needless to say we are VERY excited to see what else God has in store for us!  I mean, they mission trip doesn't even "officially" begin until tomorrow morning, yet God is already very much at work!

Can't wait to Love The One and love the one this week!

Thanks for your prayers!!

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