Sunday, June 10, 2012

WeWillGo '12 Day 1

The Nest (my church) began the first day of our mission trip by setting up a swingset donated by Pat and her girls. 

When we were here last year, one of the jobs we did was clean up the lot next to the Lancaster's house. There was lots of broken glass and debris. Pat had a God encounter in this lot that left her forever changed. When we arrived and they showed us where they wanted the swingset, we couldn't believe was the exact spot where God had given Pat such revelation of His love and was holy ground.
Pat standing on holy ground last year
Pat praying over swingset on that same spot this year

And as if that wasn't enough, God had to go and show off just a little by placing a bird's nest in the perfect spot just above the swingset!

1 comment:

  1. That just looks like such a happy place!!! I love seeing all of you surrounding it. What a sweet gift from Pat to the kids there...and from Papa to Pat! I love how He does that.
