Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Provision Plus!

Have you ever experienced God's provision in such a holy way that all you could do was weep?  That's what happened to us last night.  An anonymous donor has given to Brooke's Mozambique trip so generously that there might even end up being a surplus of funds to spread around amongst the rest of the team.  

I wish I could tell you all the details, so you could see what a miracle this truly is, but I gave my word not to reveal the donor's identity and I'm afraid too much info might do just that.  The best part of the story is that the gift came about as a result of a holy encounter with God, unlike any this donor has ever had before!  It is an act of obedience and it is the donor's desire for ALL glory to go to HIM!

I was wrestling with accepting so much money, especially knowing that it was truly a sacrifice for this precious person, who could have used the money for so many other things, but I know that if God tells someone to do something and they do it, He will bless it above and beyond what they could ever imagine.  I am believing that's exactly what will happen here - that this one will receive back far more that they gave. Still it's hard to simply receive such an extravagant gift.  This morning I got on facebook and one of my friends had posted this quote I hope he doesn't mind me borrowing:

"It's arrogance to believe that you are special enough for God not to provide for you like he's promised. Humble yourself and watch miracles abound."

And so I humble myself with a thankful heart and allow this donor to Love The One and love the one, who this time happens to be my daughter.  We are indeed watching miracles abound!

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