Saturday, July 9, 2011


Holy COW!  (Some of you will know why I chose this particular exclamation!)  ; )

Tomorrow's the BIG DAY!  Eddy and I will drive Ed, Kay, & Brooke to Atlanta, where they'll meet up with the Jackson folks, and off they'll go into the wild, blue yonder!

Our church has family services on Sunday and adult services on Friday evenings.  Brooke usually does childcare on Friday nights, but last night she was able to join us for worship.  We watched the documentary Furious Love created by the same guy who did Finger of God.  If you've never seen these, I highly recommend them!

God's presence was thick in the room last night and I'm so thankful for the encounters we were able to have with Him, especially Ed, Kay, & Brooke as they soaked up His presence before leaving.  

Today has been spent with last minute packing and errands and this evening will be spent just being together as a family.

Now for the "number of the day"...the number 1 reminds me of the name of this blog and its purpose...Love The ONE & love the one.  

Brooke once painted a beautiful picture which hangs in our school room,  of a cross surrounded by the names of God...Holy One, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Savior, Light of the World, Everlasting God, Wonderful Counselor, Messiah, Alpha & Omega, Creator, Beloved, Provider, Redeemer, Abba, Comforter, Mighty Fortress, Healer, Prince of Peace, Emmanuel, Name Above All Names...She also included part of a Psalm:  I will exalt You, Oh my God, the King; I will praise Your Name forever and ever.
Remembering Who The ONE is, focusing on His character, worshiping Him...loving The ONE...It was God said to have no other gods before Him.  He is The Most High God.  He is The ONE!

When Jesus posed the question to Peter, "Do you love me?"  Peter's response was that of course, he did. Jesus' reply?  Feed my sheep.  How do we feed His sheep?  By taking care of them, giving them food when they're hungry, clothing them when they're naked, hugging them when they're sad, listening to them when they're lonely, in other words by loving the one.  It is about seeing the one through Jesus' eyes of compassion and grace.  It is about bringing His Kingdom of Light into the darkness.  It is about being His hands and feet.  Stopping for the one. The one who matters to God.  The one He died to save. The one He longs to embrace.  The one He's pursuing.  The one in front of you...

So, that is my prayer for this team...that they will Love The ONE and love the one.
Other specific prayer concerns for tomorrow:
Protection and good health during travel
Rest in body and spirit
Favor over every piece of luggage and every item in each piece of luggage
Unity among team members
Face to face encounters with God
Seized opportunities to be Jesus to someone along the way

Thank you, thank you, thank you for joining in prayer for this trip.  They are dependent on our prayers and not one is wasted.  For those of us not going on the trip, prayer is our way of loving The ONE & loving the one.

Bless you all in Jesus' Name!

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