Brooke was able to call again today. Yay! She wasn't feeling too great, but thinks it's because she hasn't gotten enough sleep. Please pray that everyone rests well tonight. They have a big day tomorrow. They will go on a bush outreach. Some specific things to pray about are that the missing luggage gets there before they leave, since the tents for the outreach are in them...I'm not sure if the sound system they took over was intended to use on the outreach, but I know there was an issue with it at the Maputo airport, so if indeed it was supposed to end up at the Pemba base, then pray it gets there with no further delays...the ride out to the bush is rough and uncomfortable. Pray for supernatural cushioning and no motion sickness. Brooke is especially prone to this. Most of all, pray that God's lavish love would permeate each team member, so it overflows to all they meet along the way. Heidi Baker will accompany them on this trip. What an honor to get to love alongside one of the greatest living examples of what it means to be a laid down lover of Jesus. I just know there will be lots of glory stories from this portion of the trip! Pray for miracles to abound! Pray for people to come face to face with The Living God. Pray for lives to be forever changed!
Thank you for Loving The ONE and loving the one through prayer. It truly makes a difference!
So, all that begins the time of this writing, it is 12:40 a.m. Mozambique time, so I guess technically tomorrow has already come there! Please be mindful of the time difference as you pray. I encourage you to comment here if God shows you anything specific as you pray. It will be fun to compare notes after they return to see specific ways God answered prayers!
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