This will be one of those posts, where I don't know if I can type fast enough! And I'm not concerned about whether or not it reads well or sounds colorful enough. I just want to get it all down before I forget anything!
BROOKE CALLED this morning!!!! I've been so hungry to hear form her and was so hoping she'd call today, and SHE DID!!!
The last thing she said before the call ended was to try to remember everything she'd told me, so I could tell everyone, so here goes...
First of all, please pray that they get the rest of their luggage delivered to DONDO, yes they are on the Dondo base! (See previous posts!) When they left Pemba, they were told they could only check one bag and take one carry-on and one personal item, so Ed, Kay, and several other team members ended up having to stuff everything into those few bags and leave other bags at Pemba. Thankfully Brooke was able to roll up one of her bags and stuff it into her other that was drama one with the bags, but drama two came at the stopover in someplace I can't remember...although the bags were fine the way they were from Pemba to that place, the airport officials said they couldn't take their checked bags on to Beira, so they ended up having to grab a change of clothes to throw into their carry-ons and were told they could get their suitcases today, but when someone checked on them, the bags weren't there...SO...pray that they do indeed find them and deliver them TODAY!
If you haven't yet read my post from July 19th titled "Bearing One Another's Burdens", read it now, then continue...
Brooke said leaving Pemba was so hard and she left a piece of her heart there. She was crying as she spoke...I was able to share with her that God had allowed me to feel what she was feeling, so I could pray effectively. Wow, He is awesome!
Before leaving Pemba, there was a worship service Tuesday night. Many of them were onstage, dancing before the Lord in praise. Brooke, Amy, and her girls ended up staying on stage while Heidi spoke. At one point during the service, Heidi called all those who were ready to lay it all down in total surrender to WHATEVER He called them to do to kneel down with their hands up. She and Rolland then went around and prayed for each of those people, including Brooke. She said when Heidi touched her, it was as if electricity went through her! She fell back and all she could do was weep. Then Rolland came along and those of you who went with us to VOA last fall will know what I mean when I say, it was definitely a repeat of our HOLY COW moment!!!!!!
Brooke also said that several people (I think mostly Harvest School students) had gotten words or pictures for her involving paths (Rachel had a vision while praying for Brooke before she even left for Africa of her being on a path that ended up at Jesus' tomb...) and through their words, prayers, and visions, Brooke feels like she has an idea what part of her future holds. I'll let her share that as she feels led. She could hardly share with me all of this, since she kept crying. It was apparent that she has encountered God in mighty ways! Please pray for her as she has decisions to make concerning what's next for her, since she only has one more year of high school left. Pray that she hears clearly from the Lord and stays on that one path that leads to Him and His resurrection power.
Some fun things she shared with me that she wanted all "her girls" to know were that Justin Bieber is on all the public radios like when they go to restaurants and stores! She also saw a child with a Jonas Brothers backpack!
; )
She wanted me to tell Bradley that they ate at a Chinese restaurant (Yes, in Africa) that was called "Yummy Yummy"! SHe wasn't sure why Bradley was the one who needed to hear that, but she thought of him, which I thought was sweet!
I asked her about Kay's birthday and she said she did give her the blessings we had written down for her, but Kay wanted to read them when she was alone, so she could really take them all in...I also asked about the toy zebra Brooke felt God told her to buy and take. She hasn't given it away yet, so pray that God shows her exactly what she's supposed to do with it.
Pray for her camera to be resurrected! It's almost dead and the charger is in the suitcase, which is still "somewhere out there"...
Pray for Brooke and the Lancaster kids. They are all having sinus/coldlike symptoms and sore throats. I'm hoping it's just from all the dirt they inhaled while on the outreach and that some sinu-cleanse will get it all out.
One other thing she mentioned about Pemba that broke her heart was how many 5 year olds were carrying around babies in slings on their backs. With no parents, the older siblings take care of their younger siblings, even though they are still babies themselves.
They went to a worship service in Dondo that reminded her of Carpenter's Kids since there were so many kids there and the service was energetic and kid-friendly. Afterward they fed hundreds of kids. She was put on hand-washing duty and said the boys were shoving one another, jostling to GET to wash their hands! She had to assure them there was plenty of water to go around. I can't imagine her brothers EVER fighting over who gets to wash their hands first! ; )
Oh, I almost forgot! One thing Brooke felt she would end up doing while in Mozambique was to set someone free from evil spirits. Last night Pastor Mario stopped mid-sentence during his service and said he felt like there was a demonic presence, so he invited all who were manifesting demons to come forward and several people did. Brooke gravitated toward one woman and since there were others near enough to touch the lady, Brooke and Jennifer stood to the side, extending their hands and praying for her. This went on for a few minutes and finally Brooke felt authority rise up in her and declared, "It's done in Jesus' Name!". Instantly the lady got still and quiet! She then stood up, said something to the leaders, picked up her purse and calmly walked out. Free! Hallelujah!!!
Oh gosh, I'm sure I'm probably leaving something out. She was talking 90 mph! And I had just woken up when she called, so I hope I'm not forgetting something important. I did ask about Ed & Kay and she said they are great and send their love to everyone. She said everyone there has fallen in love with these two, which of course comes as no surprise to us! Kay has been making her "Oh-oh-oh!" sound alot! ; ) The whole team has laughed alot and just really love one another.
It always comes back to love, doesn't it? To quote The Beatles, "All you need is love - love...Love is all you need..."
That's one thing Brooke asked us to pray about...that the ways they've learned to love there will stay with them when they come home. They all want to love well. I wish I could remember exactly how she put it. It would have been a great quote to end with!
Anyway, thanks for sticking with me through these random thoughts. Thanks for continuing to pray for our team. I know Brooke's 90mph report has only skimmed the surface and cannot wait to hear every last detail when they return! And to see every photo and video footage.
One more week...
Oh, friends. Pray for me!
Love you all!!
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