Sunday, July 3, 2011


The number of completion.
The number of rest.

This morning I woke up with a heaviness in my heart. In a mere week I will put Brooke on a plane bound for Africa and will have very little communication (if any at all) with her for 3 weeks.  It's like I am already missing her and she hasn't even left yet!  Good grief!  If it's this bad now, what will it be like while she's gone?

I hadn't expressed my feelings to anyone, but as it turns out, Brooke was feeling pretty overwhelmed herself this morning.  Instead of a regular church service, we had church at the park to celebrate the 4th of July.  We began the morning by sharing testimonies and as Julie shared a report from her daughter Ellie, who is on a 6 month long mission trip to Malawi, the reality smacked both Brooke and me upside the head and we were both in tears.  As we wound down testimony time and people began unpacking picnic baskets, Brooke motioned for Mary and me to follow her to another picnic pavilion.  As we shared how we were feeling, I looked up just in time to see the "cavalry" approaching!  Ed, Kay, Rachel, and Jim all headed our way and immediately went into prayer warrior mode!  Soon Krissy and Amy had joined us and we had our own little "church service" going!

The enemy has been up to his dirty little schemes lately, because he keeps forgetting Who has already won the battle!  Jim described it well by saying the enemy was scared because of all the miracles that would take place when Brooke is "let loose" in Mozambique!  ; )  So, he's doing lots of annoying things to get our focus off of Jesus and onto these distractions.  Last week our little dachshund had to have emergency surgery, which put a major dent in our budget and in my schedule since she required constant supervision and care.  I'm having a problem with my foot and have been in pain.  Brooke's IBS has flared up some and she injured her foot at the pool, so has also been walking around with foot pain.  Ed and Kay have also been experiencing some physical pains, including a hurt toe for Ed - yet another foot issue!  I know the enemy is attacking feet, because he knows that's how we will crush him (Rom. 16:20). Today we remembered that our feet are shod with the Gospel of peace and how beautiful are the feet of those who bring Good News.  We spoke out loud the Truth in the face of the lies he is attempting to distract us with.  We prayed healing over these injuries and pains.  So...IT IS FINISHED, completed, perfected, and we can rest in the One Who paid it all.

One thing I prayed about this morning was that the rest of the money still needed would be provided.  Brooke's portion was still $300 short.  Last week a sweet friend gave her a $50 check, then last night she babysat and was paid $50, then today a very generous friend gave her a $200 donation, not knowing that was how much she still needed.  IT IS FINISHED, completed, perfected!  We can rest in Jehovah Jireh, The God Who Provides!  I believe the rest of the team's finances will be finished, completed, perfected too!  Glory to God!

Today I am reminded for the umpteenth time how very thankful I am for our incredible church family.  We laugh together and cry together, and often do both at the same time!  We hold up one another's arms and sit at one another's feet.  We pray for one another and give to one another.  We love The ONE together and love the one together.  We are richly blessed.

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