As I began studying this number, I quickly realized how many places it or its multiples are used in scripture, so it was tough to narrow it down, but the one thing that really jumped out at me was that there are basically 8 parts to the Lord's Prayer, so since the purpose of this countdown is to focus my prayers for the Mozambique team, I think that will be my jumping off place.
1. Our Father who is in heaven,
Jesus taught us to pray by first praising God the Father. He didn't say "My Father", but "OUR Father". For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, "Abba ! Father !" Romans 8:15. A good English translation is "Papa". We can approach God as our loving Papa Who enjoys spending time with His kids. I pray that each team member knows that intimacy with Papa. I pray for each of the Mozambiquan orphans to know God as their Papa Who loves them dearly and treasures them as the apple of His eye.
2. Hallowed (holy) be Your name.
He is indeed holy and worthy of our worship and praise. It is in His holy Name that Jesus did the works He did (John 10:25) and it is in His Name that this team is going to Mozambique to do the works they will do.
3. Your kingdom come.
Yes, Lord! Give each member of this team kingdom eyes to see beyond what their natural eyes see, so they know exactly how to pray and serve.
4. Your will be done, On earth as it is in heaven.
Here is a KEY to the kingdom we are praying to come! On earth as in Heaven. Is there sickness in Heaven? No! Then, we pray for what is in Heaven - health - to come to earth - to the one. Is there sadness in Heaven? No! Then we pray for joy to come to earth - to the one. Is there poverty in Heaven? No! Then we pray for provision to come to earth - to the one. Is there______...fill in the blank! I pray that each team member will pray as Jesus prayed and that they will indeed see His will done on earth AS IN HEAVEN!
5. Give us this day our daily bread.
Thank You, Lord for daily provision. There is still funding needed for this trip. You hold all the store, money, time, etc...and You are a generous Father Who gives good gifts to Your children (Matt. 7:11), so we thank You in advance for how Your WILL provide for this trip. Heidi Baker has so many stories of how You have miraculously provided food when there was none to be found. You multiplied loaves and fishes for the multitude and You have multiplied chicken and chili for Iris' children. In You there truly IS always enough! And on the subject of food, I pray none of the team members get sick from any of the food eaten on the trip.
6. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.
How could we withhold forgiveness from anyone after all He has forgiven us of? Lord, I pray for spirits of forgiveness among the team members. I pray they will fully grasp how You have forgiven them and that they will forgive quickly and completely.
7. And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
I pray Psalm 91 over the team members.
8. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.
Jesus taught us to pray by beginning with worship and ending with worship. God, to You be all the glory for every single thing You will accomplish on this trip in and through this team as they love The ONE and love the one!
And blessed be His glorious name forever ; And may the whole earth be filled with His glory. Amen, and Amen. Ps. 72:19
love this jill!!!what a great countdown...i will borrow this for gracie and david...We just love the Perry Family!!!